About Dropzone Denmark

Dropzone Denmark is the country's only professional skydive center. Located at Herning Airport in the heart of Jutland, we are a focal point for skydiving in Denmark.

We have a large team of passionate people who all work together to give our customers the best experience with skydiving. When the season is running, we have around 40 employees divided between instructors, packers, pilots, ground crew, café, reception, customer service, sales, marketing and management.

Our values

At Dropzone Denmark, our core foundation is to offer skydiving to as many people as possible, as safely as possible and at the same time develop the sport in Denmark and Europe.

Our values can be roughly defined in 3 areas.

The sport

With the availability of the world's best coaches and instructors, we are a leader in the development of the sport. We want to have as wide a crowd of skydivers as possible, in regards to all demographic aspects as well as the level of experience. We will continue to have Denmark's largest skydiving school and continue to hold competitions and events for the whole of Europe as well as the world's elite.


We set the standard for safety in Denmark and Europe. With the world's best instructors and requirements for sport jumpers, as well as instructors, you won't find a safer place to skydive. We have the latest equipment, which we get checked by the most skilled riggers. So you don't have to be nervous about skydiving with us. We ARE the country's safest place to skydive.


As the country's only professional skydiving center, we prioritize availability and service just as much as safety. There is a fantastic club atmosphere here, and we always strive to make your stay as good as possible. You don't have to be a member or cover voluntary roles to jump with us.


Peter Svalø, owner, CEO and chief instructor

Titles: USPA safety and training advisor, DFU instructor I, tandem instructor, AFF instructor, IAD instructor, coach, videographer, HALO operator.

Peter started in the sport in 2010. Since then he has dedicated his life to the sport and, among other things, worked in countries such as New Zealand, Nepal, Croatia and Kuwait. When he became a DFU instructor I he was the youngest ever and also the only one with all titles under DFU. Peter took over at Dropzone Denmark in 2018.

Kristín Anný Walsh: marketing, sales and event manager

Titler: Marketing-, sales- and event manager

Kristín is not a certified skydiver. She has a couple of tandem jumps experiences, but was hired to streamline Dropzone Denmark's marketing and sales efforts, as well as to manage all the different events there are held yearly. She comes with a completely new perspective to the management team, how it is to be totally green and new to the sport.


Dropzone Denmark opened its doors for the first time on May 1st 2015. Since then, we have developed faster than we had dared to dream of. There are 17 skydiving clubs in Denmark in addition to Dropzone Denmark, but we already have half of the activity in Denmark in certain areas.

In addition to the high level of activity, we have also moved the standard for skydiving on many fronts in Denmark.

In 2015, Dropzone Denmark had the only large aircraft for skydiving in the country. In 2023, 3 more have been added.

Every year we have 2-5 foreign instructors, several of whom are among the world's elite. We actually have more than 30 nationalities visiting us every year.

For several years we have also had the country's only female tandem instructors.

We are the country's absolute largest and leading skydiving school for educating solo skydivers.

In addition to the work at Dropzone Denmark, our skydiving team is helping to push what is possible on the international stage with jumps on e.g. Mount Everest and Antarctica.

TV, movie and marketing production

Dropzone Denmark is Denmark's only professional skydiving center, and the safe choice for your TV, movie or marketing production.

We are the most experienced with commercial skydive operation in Denmark. Our experienced video jumpers and stuntmen can get exactly the scene or angle you want in the box. Our employees have over 20,000 jumps and over 50 years of combined experience.

Our video jumpers have helmets with the option to mount large high-end cameras such as the RED Dragon for film productions, or several smaller cameras for e.g. TV production. Our video jumpers and instructors have experience from e.g. Hollywood productions, Reality shows, Sitcoms, photos for marketing, etc.

We are proud to be an official partner with Prime Productions AMG.

If you are looking for a way to get a unique stage for your production, contact head director Peter Svalø at peter@dropzonedenmark.dk.

We continuously post examples of material we deliver on our Facebook page. Production companies often prefer Dropzone Denmark for their productions because of our unique opportunity for privacy, which is often preferable for larger projects.

Demo jumps

Dropzone Denmark's demo team travels around and makes skydiving demos for city parties, football matches, air shows and much more. Our jumpers are very experienced and deliver a unique show where they demonstrate their skills in free fall and with their parachutes. Do you need an eye-catcher for your city party? We can help. We have experience landing in stadiums, city centers, backyards and beaches, and even lakes! We can land with your flag or smoke bombs. Limited only by imagination.

As Denmark's professional skydiving center, we deliver a professional demo - EVERY time! The price for a Dropzone Denmark demos starts at 25,000 DKK. The price depends on how far the plane has to fly and the nature of the demo.

Contact chief instructor Peter Svalø at peter@dropzonedenmark.dk for more information.

Dropzone Denmark is a member of USPA

Dropzone Denmark is Denmark's only USPA affiliated dropzone. That is we are approved by and subject to the american skydive organisation USPA (United States Parachute Association). USPA is the world's largest parachute organization and a nonprofit. They are dedicated to promoting the safety and quality of skydiving.

By being a member of the USPA, Dropzone Denmark shows its commitment to safety, professionalism and compliance with high standards. This means that our educational material is based on a broad statistical basis and that we hold an annual safety day, where we present and discuss the latest experiences and initiatives within the sport.

Once you have gone through Dropzone Denmark's solo skydive education, you can get a USPA A license. This means that you are recognized as a skydiver worldwide.